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F copyPixelToRect(srcImage: Image, srcX: number, srcY: number, destImage: Image, destX: number, destY: number, destW: number, destH: number)

This copies the source pixel to every pixel in the destination rectangle without any alpha blending.


F copyPixels(srcImage: Image, srcX: number, srcY: number, srcW: number, srcH: number, destImage: Image, destX: number, destY: number)

This copies the source pixels to the destination without any alpha blending.


F async extrudeTilesetToBuffer(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, options: object): Promise<Buffer>

Accepts an image path and returns a Promise that resolves to a Buffer containing the extruded tileset image.


F async extrudeTilesetToImage(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, outputPath: string, options: object): Promise

Accepts an image path and saves out an extruded version of the tileset to outputPath.


F async extrudeTilesetToJimp(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, options: object): Promise<Image>

Accepts an image path and returns a Jimp image object containing the extruded image.