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Static Public Summary

copyPixelToRect(srcImage: Image, srcX: number, srcY: number, destImage: Image, destX: number, destY: number, destW: number, destH: number)

This copies the source pixel to every pixel in the destination rectangle without any alpha blending.


copyPixels(srcImage: Image, srcX: number, srcY: number, srcW: number, srcH: number, destImage: Image, destX: number, destY: number)

This copies the source pixels to the destination without any alpha blending.


async extrudeTilesetToBuffer(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, options: object): Promise<Buffer>

Accepts an image path and returns a Promise that resolves to a Buffer containing the extruded tileset image.


async extrudeTilesetToImage(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, outputPath: string, options: object): Promise

Accepts an image path and saves out an extruded version of the tileset to outputPath.


async extrudeTilesetToJimp(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, options: object): Promise<Image>

Accepts an image path and returns a Jimp image object containing the extruded image.

Static Public

public copyPixelToRect(srcImage: Image, srcX: number, srcY: number, destImage: Image, destX: number, destY: number, destW: number, destH: number) source

import {copyPixelToRect} from 'tile-extruder/src/copy-pixels.js'

This copies the source pixel to every pixel in the destination rectangle without any alpha blending.


srcImage Image

A Jimp image to copy pixel from.

srcX number

X position of the source pixel.

srcY number

Y position of the source pixel.

destImage Image

A Jimp image to paste the pixel to.

destX number

X position to start pasting to (left).

destY number

Y position to start pasting to (top).

destW number

The width of the destination region.

destH number

The height of the destination region.

public copyPixels(srcImage: Image, srcX: number, srcY: number, srcW: number, srcH: number, destImage: Image, destX: number, destY: number) source

import {copyPixels} from 'tile-extruder/src/copy-pixels.js'

This copies the source pixels to the destination without any alpha blending.


srcImage Image

A Jimp image to copy pixels from.

srcX number

X position to start copying from (left).

srcY number

Y position to start copying from (top).

srcW number

The width of the region to copy.

srcH number

The height of the region to copy.

destImage Image

A Jimp image to paste the pixels to.

destX number

X position to start pasting to (left).

destY number

Y position to start pasting to (top).

public async extrudeTilesetToBuffer(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, options: object): Promise<Buffer> source

import {extrudeTilesetToBuffer} from 'tile-extruder'

Accepts an image path and returns a Promise that resolves to a Buffer containing the extruded tileset image.


tileWidth integer

tile width in pixels.

tileHeight integer

tile height in pixels.

inputPath string

the path to the tileset you want to extrude.

options object
  • optional

optional settings.

options.mime string
  • optional
  • default: Jimp.AUTO

the mime type that should be used for the buffer. Defaults to Jimp.AUTO which tries to use the image's original mime type, and if not available, uses png. Supported mime options: "image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp".

options.margin integer
  • optional
  • default: 0

number of pixels between tiles and the edge of the tileset image.

options.spacing integer
  • optional
  • default: 0

number of pixels between neighboring tiles.

options.extrusion integer
  • optional
  • default: 1

number of pixels to extrude the tiles.

options.color number
  • optional
  • default: 0xffffff00

color to use for the background color, which only matters if there is margin or spacing. This is passed directly to jimp which takes RGBA hex or a CSS color string, e.g. '#FF0000'. This defaults to transparent white.



A promise that resolves to an image buffer, or rejects with an error.

public async extrudeTilesetToImage(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, outputPath: string, options: object): Promise source

import {extrudeTilesetToImage} from 'tile-extruder'

Accepts an image path and saves out an extruded version of the tileset to outputPath. It returns a Promise that resolves when the file has finished saving.


tileWidth integer

tile width in pixels.

tileHeight integer

tile height in pixels.

inputPath string

the path to the tileset you want to extrude.

outputPath string

the path to output the extruded tileset image.

options object
  • optional

optional settings.

options.margin integer
  • optional
  • default: 0

number of pixels between tiles and the edge of the tileset image.

options.spacing integer
  • optional
  • default: 0

number of pixels between neighboring tiles.

options.extrusion integer
  • optional
  • default: 1

number of pixels to extrude the tiles.

options.color number
  • optional
  • default: 0xffffff00

color to use for the background color, which only matters if there is margin or spacing. This is passed directly to jimp which takes RGBA hex or a CSS color string, e.g. '#FF0000'. This defaults to transparent white.



A promise that resolves when finished saving, or rejects with an error.

public async extrudeTilesetToJimp(tileWidth: integer, tileHeight: integer, inputPath: string, options: object): Promise<Image> source

import {extrudeTilesetToJimp} from 'tile-extruder'

Accepts an image path and returns a Jimp image object containing the extruded image. This is exposed for advanced image processing purposes. For more common uses, see extrudeTilesetToImage or extrudeTilesetToBuffer. It returns a Promise that resolves when it is finished extruding the image.


tileWidth integer

tile width in pixels.

tileHeight integer

tile height in pixels.

inputPath string

the path to the tileset you want to extrude.

options object
  • optional

optional settings.

options.margin integer
  • optional
  • default: 0

number of pixels between tiles and the edge of the tileset image.

options.spacing integer
  • optional
  • default: 0

number of pixels between neighboring tiles.

options.extrusion integer
  • optional
  • default: 1

number of pixels to extrude the tiles.

options.color number
  • optional
  • default: 0xffffff00

color to use for the background color, which only matters if there is margin or spacing. This is passed directly to jimp which takes RGBA hex or a CSS color string, e.g. '#FF0000'. This defaults to transparent white.



A promise that resolves to a Jimp image object, or rejects with an error.