Function extrudeTilesetToImage

  • Accepts an image path and saves out an extruded version of the tileset to outputPath. It returns a Promise that resolves when the file has finished saving.


    • tileWidth: number

      tile width in pixels.

    • tileHeight: number

      tile height in pixels.

    • inputPath: string

      the path to the tileset you want to extrude.

    • outputPath: `${string}.${string}`

      the path to output the extruded tileset image.

    • Optionaloptions: ExtrusionOptions

      optional settings.

      • Optionalcolor?: string | number
      • Optionalextrusion?: number
      • Optionalmargin?: number
      • Optionalspacing?: number

    Returns Promise<void>

    • A promise that resolves when finished saving, or rejects with an error.